Dr. Alex Antic is a trusted and experienced Data Science leader, with a proven record of delivering innovative, successful and sustainable projects in government, industry and startups (including Sports Analytics), that leverage data and Machine Learning/Deep Learning capabilities to deliver actionable insights.
Dr. Antic is currently serving as an Academic at ANU, whilst also being a Principal Data Scientist for Federal Agency. Before his current role at ANU, Alex was a quantitative analyst at hedge fund and investment bank. He has also worked with the actuarial teams in the marketing analytics. Because of this unique career path with the commercial experience, he understands the business needs well as well as able to be pragmatics with the commercial perspective whilst working at different environment. Dr. Antic is currently also helping ANU to set up an institute of analytics to help bridge the gap between the PhD students and commercial / government sectors.
In this interview, we discussed how an organisation can build up its data science capabilities and what to look for when interviewing candidates. Due to his unique work history, I asked him about his view on data scientist vs quantitative analyst vs actuary. Finally, Dr. Antic also shared with us about this research focuses on the subjects like confidential computing and natural language processing.
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Meetups that Alex runs:
- https://www.meetup.com/Data-Science-Canberra/
- https://www.meetup.com/Canberra-R-Users-Group/
- https://www.meetup.com/Analyst-First-A1-Canberra/
Alex’s blogs that you should read
- 10 hidden challenges of working as a Data Scientist, and how to overcome them to advance your career
- 7 questions you need to ask before taking on a Data Science role
Featured Interviews:
- https://www.superdatascience.com/podcast/podcast-building-successful-data-science-practice-effective-data-scientist
- https://www.datafriends.rocks/single-post/2018/02/27/Q-A-with-Alex-Antic-Data-Scientist
More links about the guest