What would you tell the future data analytics leaders of the world, if you had a chance?
When you encourage innovation in your team, you’re guiding your successors too.
So how can you improve performance and encourage innovation in your team using data analytics and emerging technologies?
Catch the latest TAS episode to hear it from Kari Jones.
Meet Kari Jones
Kari’s Role as a Data Analytics Leader
Kari Jones is a General Manager of Analytics & Insights at Countdown Supermarkets. Countdown is New Zealand’s largest supermarket chain, operating over 180 stores and serving about 3 million customers every week. Their parent company, Woolworths New Zealand, employs more than 18,000 New Zealanders, making it one of the country’s largest private employers.
Kari’s Other Work in Data Analytics
Over the past 10 years, Kari has worked with a range of iconic organisations in senior data-focused leadership roles, each time with the objective of increasing the organisation’s digital and analytics maturity. In the past, she has taken up roles with New Zealand Post, Air New Zealand, New Zealand Lacrosse, NZME., PwC New Zealand, and more.
In between her work with Countdown Supermarkets, Kari is also an Advisory Board Member on the Risk & Assurance Committee with Stats NZ. Stats NZ supplies some of New Zealand’s most important statistics, data, and insights to allow decision makers to make informed decisions to improve social, economic and environmental growth for New Zealanders. They are the source of official statistics and the leader of the Official Statistics System and of New Zealand’s public sector data and analytics system.
Supermarkets, Performance, and Innovation
In this exclusive analytics podcast episode, Kari shares:
- Where her passion for sports comes from
- Her experience volunteering for AFL New Zealand and Sports New Zealand
- The history of Lacrosse
- Her role as the General Manager of Analytics & Insights at Countdown Supermarkets
- Apart from operational analytics, what the next frontier is in using data, analytics, or emerging technologies to improve performance in this industry
- How the organisation views and plans to fend off competition from startups that challenge the status quo in the market
- Encouraging more innovation in terms of business models, revenue models, or product models
- The leadership style to encourage this innovation
- Passing on this knowledge to future leaders in the business team
- One key lesson she wants to share when passing on the baton to her successor
If you are a data analytics leader looking to improve performance or encourage innovation using data in your organisation, this is the episode you do not want to miss.
More Links:
Find out more about Kari
What is one book that she would gift to her younger self:
- 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story by Dan Harris
Company Websites:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPn3RO8t0WM
- https://www.datafuturology.com/podcast/178-delivering-value-through-analytics-with-kari-jones-head-of-analytics-and-insights-at-woolworths-nz-e1e4vmp
- https://www.coriniumintelligence.com/insights/how-does-air-new-zealand-leverage-ai-to-improve-customer-engagement-0
Speaking Events:
- https://www.brightstar.co.nz/modal-speaker/16836
- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=473875867784182
- https://app.qwoted.com/opportunities/event-chief-data-analytics-officer-2019-new-zealand
- https://www.eventbox.ir/chiefdataandanalyticsofficernewzealand
- https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/2631050/0341%20CDAO%20360%20NZ/CDAO%20New%20Zealand%202020%20agenda-1.pdf
- https://6degreesmedia.com.au/events-agenda-nz/
- https://datafloq.com/meet/chief-data-analytics-officer-new-zealand/
- https://aiia.com.au/event/chief-data-analytics-officer-new-zealand/
- https://techalliance.nz/event/connecting-you-with-whats-next-in-data/
- https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2631050/CDAO%20New%20Zealand/CDAO%20New%20Zealand%202018%20Draft%20Agenda.pdf?t=1535988581434
- https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/the-journey-towards-organisational-data-maturity-in-person-event-tickets-398640483417
In the News:
- https://www.aflnz.co.nz/news/new-director-elected-to-afl-new-zealand-board/
- https://www.ackama.com/what-we-think/women-in-data-science-wellington-2019/
- https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/science/about-the-faculty/school-of-computer-science/working-with-industry.html
Learn more with related episodes in our analytics podcast:
- E112 – Linda Ginger – On Using Data Science to Engineer Winning Innovations
- E92 – Jamie Leach – Opening the Door to Innovation and Fairer Finances with Open Banking
- E70 – Andy Sutton – How to Use a Personalisation Engine for Enhanced Omnichannel CX
- E27 – Siew Teng Ho – Better Postal Performance with Data Analytics
Now a word from our sponsor…
This episode is sponsored by a new program at DDA Labs. It’s an embedded analytics leader program for senior managers and executives in the business team who want to integrate AI into daily business operations and drive customer experience excellence. Book an Unlimited Strategy Session for a Full Year and start embedding analytics into the business frontlines. For more information about this program, please refer to it here.
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