Would you be recognisable in a crowd?
If you stepped into a group of others in your industry, would anyone be able to point you out and know exactly who you are?
Or would others take the spotlight instead?
Personal branding in a competitive market is key to standing out in the crowd, no matter if you’re an analytics professional or otherwise.
Without it, you’ll just be anyone else.
Meet Maria Markman
Maria’s Role as a Branding Leader at Markman Media
Maria Markman is the Founder & CEO at Markman Media – a Personal Branding agency for professionals, executives and company directors looking to build and promote their personal brands. Markman Media has an extensive database of specialists to fulfil the tasks required in order to launch your personal brand. They have developed a unique 3-step service to achieve effective personal branding on an ongoing basis. Based in Melbourne, Markman Media services clients Australia-wide and globally.
Maria’s Other Work in Technology
Beginning her career in her native country of Russia, Maria is a connector, known for bringing people, ideas and solutions together. She has worked in a number of innovative businesses and industries, including a digital marketing agency, Salesforce.com implementation partners (as a certified consultant) and in sales, selling IT professional services. Her unique skillset encompasses cloud computing, software-as-a-service, sales and marketing.
Maria also has extensive board experience, most notably with the ACS (Australian Computer Society), where she served on the board and as Chair of the Victorian branch. At the end of 2018, she said ‘enough’ to corporate life and decided to focus on her board career and her own business.
Personal Branding, Social Media, and Competition
In this exclusive analytics podcast episode, Maria shares:
- Her experience from joining Miss Multiverse Australia
- An experience on the show that has stuck with her until now
- Her role as the Founder & CEO at Markman Media
- Her personal journey through personal branding
- How personal branding isn’t limited to LinkedIn and other platforms and tools
- Why people are still not utilising social media for personal branding
- Positioning yourself as an individual vs as a part of a corporation
- Some of the biggest mistakes people tend to make when branding themselves
- How personal branding benefits those who already hold a high position in their industry
- How analytics leaders in the C-Level positions can make their personal brand stand out in the competitive market
- Using personal branding to convince organisations of the importance of data analytics
- Unique challenges involved in building an analytics leader’s personal brand
- Tips for maintaining consistency in personal branding
- Advice for those held back by their organisations in terms of personal branding
If you are an analytics professional of any position trying to create a personal brand for yourself and your future career opportunities, this is the episode you do not want to miss.
Are you curious where you are at with your personal brand? For all listeners of our podcast, Maria has offered a complimentary 1-hour consultation. Reach out to Maria via LinkedIn or Instagram and mention the codeword PODCAST to redeem until 1 November 2022.
More Links:
Find out more about Maria
LinkedIn and Instagram:
What is one book that she would gift to her younger self:
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Company Website:
- https://engagingwomen.com.au/career-and-money/maria-markman-chair-acs-victoria/
- https://techtify.com.au/maria-markman-gaicd-personal-branding-professional-networking-technology-leadership-strategic-advocacy-governance/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHYT7hd14uc
- https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=793934411341054&_rdr
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-HR3WCDL8Y&t=4s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSde-0rWre8
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s20jvdLhot8
In the News:
- https://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2017/122318.html
- https://womensagenda.com.au/partner-content/concrete-steps-not-lip-service-what-maria-markman-wants-to-see-changed-within-ict/
- https://itwire.com/government-tech-news/government-tech-policy/acs-victoria-says-govt-money-will-drive-state%e2%80%99s-tech-sector,-boost-ict-jobs.html
- https://www2.cso.com.au/article/614815/australian-businesses-failing-convince-young-women-about-ict-possibilities/
- https://www.smartcompany.com.au/startupsmart/advice/there-is-a-talent-war-out-there-carsales-com-au-executive-and-other-leaders-on-winning-the-battle-with-diversity-and-inclusion/
- https://www.futureofwomenintech.com/future-women-in-tech-mission
Speaking Events:
- https://www.acs.org.au/cpd-education/event-detail.html?eventId=7010o000001wmbiAAA
- https://www.acs.org.au/cpd-education/event-detail.html?eventId=7010o000002JBB2
- https://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2017/123228.html
Learn more with related episodes in our analytics podcast:
- E110 – Jonas Christensen – Here’s How Analytics Leaders Succeed in Growing the Business
- E106 – Steve Nouri – On Growth and Branding for AI Professionals
- E103 – Jason Tan – How LinkedIn Helped Me Build a Career in Data Science
- E98 – Antony Ugoni – Getting a Seat at Decision-Making Tables as an Analytics Professional
Now a word from our sponsor…
This episode is sponsored by a new program at Data Driven Analytics. It’s an embedded analytics leader program for senior managers and executives in the business team who want to integrate AI into daily business operations and drive customer experience excellence. Book an Unlimited Strategy Session for a Full Year and start embedding analytics into the business frontlines. For more information about this program, please refer to it here.
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